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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - catch


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(catches, catching, caught) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you catch a person or animal, you capture them after chasing them, or by using a trap, net, or other device. Police say they are confident of catching the gunman... Where did you catch the fish?... I wondered if it was an animal caught in a trap. = capture VERB: V n, V n, V-ed 2. If you catch an object that is moving through the air, you seize it with your hands. I jumped up to catch a ball and fell over. VERB: V n • Catch is also a noun. He missed the catch and the match was lost. N-COUNT 3. If you catch a part of someone’s body, you take or seize it with your hand, often in order to stop them going somewhere. Liz caught his arm... He knelt beside her and caught her hand in both of his... Garrido caught her by the wrist. = seize VERB: V n, V n prep, V n prep 4. If one thing catches another, it hits it accidentally or manages to hit it. The stinging slap almost caught his face... I may have caught him with my elbow but it was just an accident... He caught her on the side of her head with his other fist. VERB: V n, V n with n, V n on n 5. If something catches on or in an object or if an object catches something, it accidentally becomes attached to the object or stuck in it. Her ankle caught on a root, and she almost lost her balance... A man caught his foot in the lawnmower. VERB: V prep, V n prep 6. When you catch a bus, train, or plane, you get on it in order to travel somewhere. We were in plenty of time for Anthony to catch the ferry... He caught a taxi to Harrods. = get VERB: V n, V n prep 7. If you catch someone doing something wrong, you see or find them doing it. He caught a youth breaking into a car... Three years ago my wife and I divorced. I caught her with her boss. VERB: V n -ing, V n prep 8. If you catch yourself doing something, especially something surprising, you suddenly become aware that you are doing it. I caught myself feeling almost sorry for poor Mr Laurence. = find VERB: V pron-refl -ing 9. If you catch something or catch a glimpse of it, you notice it or manage to see it briefly. As she turned back she caught the puzzled look on her mother’s face... He caught a glimpse of the man’s face in a shop window. VERB: V n, V n 10. If you catch something that someone has said, you manage to hear it. I do not believe I caught your name... The men out in the corridor were trying to catch what they said. VERB: V n, V wh 11. If you catch a TV or radio programme or an event, you manage to see or listen to it. Bill turns on the radio to catch the local news... VERB: V n 12. If you catch someone, you manage to contact or meet them to talk to them, especially when they are just about to go somewhere else. I dialled Elizabeth’s number thinking I might catch her before she left for work... Hello, Dolph. Glad I caught you. VERB: V n, V n 13. If something or someone catches you by surprise or at a bad time, you were not expecting them or do not feel able to deal with them. She looked as if the photographer had caught her by surprise... I’m sorry but I just cannot say anything. You’ve caught me at a bad time... The sheer number of spectators has caught everyone unprepared. VERB: V n prep, V n prep, V n adj 14. If something catches your attention or your eye, you notice it or become interested in it. My shoes caught his attention... A quick movement across the aisle caught his eye. VERB: V n, V n 15. If you are caught in a storm or other unpleasant situation, it happens when you cannot avoid its effects. When he was fishing off the island he was caught in a storm and almost drowned... Visitors to the area were caught between police and the rioters. V-PASSIVE: be/get V-ed prep, be/get V-ed prep 16. If you are caught between two alternatives or two people, you do not know which one to choose or follow. The Jordanian leader is caught between both sides in the dispute... She was caught between envy and admiration. V-PASSIVE: be V-ed between pl-n, be V-ed between pl-n 17. If you catch a cold or a disease, you become ill with it. The more stress you are under, the more likely you are to catch a cold. VERB: V n 18. To catch liquids or small pieces that fall from somewhere means to collect them in a container. ...a specially designed breadboard with a tray to catch the crumbs. = collect VERB: V n 19. If something catches the light or if the light catches it, it reflects the light and looks bright or shiny. They saw the ship’s guns, catching the light of the moon... Often a fox goes across the road in front of me and I just catch it in the headlights. VERB: V n, V n in n 20. A catch on a window, door, or container is a device that fastens it. She fiddled with the catch of her bag... N-COUNT 21. A catch is a hidden problem or difficulty in a plan or an offer that seems surprisingly good. The catch is that you work for your supper, and the food and accommodation can be very basic... = snag N-COUNT: usu sing 22. When people have been fishing, their catch is the total number of fish that they have caught. The catch included one fish over 18 pounds. N-COUNT 23. Catch is a game in which children throw a ball to each other. N-UNCOUNT 24. Catch is a game in which one child chases other children and tries to touch or catch one of them. = tag N-UNCOUNT 25. see also catching 26. You can say things such as ‘You wouldn’t catch me doing that’ to emphasize that you would never do a particular thing. (INFORMAL) You wouldn’t catch me in there, I can tell you. PHRASE: PHR -ing, PHR prep/adv c darkgreen]emphasis 27. to catch your breath: see breath to catch fire: see fire to catch hold of something: see hold to be caught short: see short to catch sight of something: see sight
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   I. verb  (caught; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English cacchen, from Anglo-French cacher, chacher, chacer to hunt, from Vulgar Latin *captiare, alteration of Latin captare to chase, frequentative of capere to take — more at heave  Date: 13th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to capture or seize especially after pursuit ~ a thief  b. to take or entangle in or as if in a snare ~ fish in a net  c. deceive  d. to discover unexpectedly ; find caught in the act  e. to check (oneself) suddenly or momentarily  f. to become suddenly aware of caught me looking at him  2.  a. to take hold of ; seize  b. to affect suddenly  c. to grasp and hold on to (something in motion) ~ a fly ball  d. to avail oneself of ; take caught the first opportunity to leave  e. to obtain through effort ; get ~ a ride  f. to overtake unexpectedly — usually used in the passive was caught in a storm  g. to get entangled ~ a sleeve on a nail  3. to become affected by: as  a. contract ~ a cold  b. to respond sympathetically to the point of being imbued with ~ the spirit of an occasion  c. to be struck by he caught a bullet in the leg  d. to be subjected to ; receive ~ hell  4.  a. to take in and retain a barrel to ~ rainwater  b. fasten  5. to take or get usually momentarily or quickly ~ a glimpse of a friend ~ a nap  6.  a. overtake ~ the leader in a race  b. to get aboard in time ~ the bus  7. to attract and hold ; arrest, engage caught my attention caught her eye  8. to make contact with ; strike the pitch caught him in the back  9.  a. to grasp by the senses or the mind you ~ what I mean? didn't ~ the name  b. to apprehend and fix by artistic means ~ a person's likeness  10.  a. see, watch ~ a game on TV  b. to listen to  11. to serve as a ~er for in baseball  12. to meet with ~ you later  intransitive verb  1. to grasp hastily or try to grasp  2. to become caught  3. to ~ fire  4. to play the position of ~er on a baseball team  5. kick over the engine caught  •...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v. (past and past part. caught) 1 tr. a lay hold of so as to restrain or prevent from escaping; capture in a trap, in one's hands, etc. b (also catch hold of) get into one's hands so as to retain, operate, etc. (caught hold of the handle). 2 tr. detect or surprise (a person, esp. in a wrongful or embarrassing act) (caught me in the act; caught him smoking). 3 tr. a intercept and hold (a moving thing) in the hands etc. (failed to catch the ball; a bowl to catch the drips). b Cricket dismiss (a batsman) by catching the ball before it reaches the ground. 4 tr. a contract (a disease) by infection or contagion. b acquire (a quality or feeling) from another's example (caught her enthusiasm). 5 tr. a reach in time and board (a train, bus, etc.). b be in time to see etc. (a person or thing about to leave or finish) (if you hurry you'll catch them; caught the end of the performance). 6 tr. a apprehend with the senses or the mind (esp. a thing occurring quickly or briefly) (didn't catch what he said). b (of an artist etc.) reproduce faithfully. 7 a intr. become fixed or entangled; be checked (the bolt began to catch). b tr. cause to do this (caught her tights on a nail). c tr. (often foll. by on) hit, deal a blow to (caught him on the nose; caught his elbow on the table). 8 tr. draw the attention of; captivate (caught his eye; caught her fancy). 9 intr. begin to burn. 10 tr. (often foll. by up) reach or overtake (a person etc. ahead). 11 tr. check suddenly (caught his breath). 12 tr. (foll. by at) grasp or try to grasp. --n. 1 a an act of catching. b Cricket a chance or act of catching the ball. 2 a an amount of a thing caught, esp. of fish. b a thing or person caught or worth catching, esp. in marriage. 3 a a question, trick, etc., intended to deceive, incriminate, etc. b an unexpected or hidden difficulty or disadvantage. 4 a device for fastening a door or window etc. 5 Mus. a round, esp. with words arranged to produce a humorous effect. Phrases and idioms catch-all (often attrib.) a thing designed to be all-inclusive. ...
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Англо-русский строительный словарь
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  фиксатор ...
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  1. поимка; захват her catch was quick enough to keep the plate from hitting the floor —- она успела быстро схватить падающую на пол тарелку 2. улов; добыча a fine catch of fish —- хороший улов рыбы that bachelor is a good catch —- этот холостяк - завидный жених 3. разг. хитрость, ловушка; подвох catch question —- каверзный вопрос there must be a catch somewhere —- здесь что-то не так; здесь есть какой-то подвох what's the catch in his offer? —- что скрывается за его предложением? that's the catch —- в этом-то вся хитрость 4. выгодное приобретение no catch, not much of a catch —- незавидное приобретение; грош цена; не Бог весть какое сокровище 5. задвижка, засов; шпингалет 6. тех. захватывающее, запирающее приспособление 7. тех. стяжной болт 8. тех. тормоз; стопор; арретир 9. приостановка на мгновение (дыхания); потеря на мгновение (голоса) with a catch in her voice —- прерывающимся голосом 10. отрывки, обрывки, кусочки catches of old tunes —- обрывки старых мелодий 11. игра в мяч; перебрасывание мяча to play catch —- играть в мяч 12. поимка мяча 13. спорт. кетч (борьба) 14. с-х. самосев хлебных злаков 15. муз. ист. качча (жанр светских вокальных пьес XIV-XVI вв.) 16. поймать, схватить; ловить 17. поймать, застигнуть; застать, захватить to catch smb. red-handed —- застать кого-л на месте преступления to catch...
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Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 v past tense and past participle caught 1 »STOP/TRAP SB« a) to stop someone after you have been chasing them and prevent them from escaping  ("You can't catch me!" she yelled, running away across the field. | If the guerrillas catch you, they will kill you.) b) if the police catch a criminal, they find the criminal and stop him or her from escaping  (State police have launched a massive operation to catch the murderer. | The jewel thieves were never caught.) 2 »FIND SB DOING STH« to find or see someone while they are actually doing something wrong or illegal  (catch sb doing sth)  (I caught Howard reading my private letters. | catch sb in the act (of)/catch sb red-handed (=catch someone in the middle of doing something bad))  (a shoplifter caught in the act | They say Buster was caught red-handed. | catch sb at it BrE spoken)  (We know he's been cheating, but we've never caught him at it.) 3 »FIND SB UNPREPARED« catch sb unawares/catch sb off guard/catch sb on the hop BrE to do something or happen when someone is not expecting it and not ready to deal with events  (a night attack that caught the enemy unawares | Her question caught him off guard. | The dramatic fall in share prices caught even the experts on the hop. | be caught napping informal (=not be ready to deal with something unexpected that happens) | catch sb with their pants/trousers down informal (=make someone feel embarrassed by arriving or doing something when they are not ready)) 4 »ANIMAL/FISH« to trap an animal or fish by using a trap, net, or hook, or by hunting it  (It's a useless cat, no good at catching mice. | Last time we went fishing I caught a huge trout. | catching butterflies) 5 »HOLD« a) to get hold of and stop an object such as a ball that is moving through the air  (Watch - if you throw the ball, Bouncer can catch it in his mouth. | "Chuck me over those cigarettes, would you." "Here you are. Catch!") b) to suddenly take hold of someone  (She stumbled forward but Calum caught her in his arms. | catch hold of)  (Miss Perry caught...
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